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You start off in the game taking the role of Aria, an employee of The Entropy Centre who has no memory of what is going on and where everyone is. Shortly after waking up and exploring a bit of the facility, you come into contact with ASTRA, an AI-powered tool that allows you to pick up various projects and reverse time on objects. Aria and ASTRA have to work together in order to solve puzzles so that they can produce enough entropy energy in order to reverse the time on Earth to prevent a cataclysmic disaster. While doing this takes a great deal of brain power, it also becomes apparent that there is something else happening in the facility as various things begin to appear to you from afar.


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Again, I have never played Portal, nor Half-Life for that matter, but I have seen plenty of gameplay from those games to see that The Entropy Centre is heavily inspired by them. Like Portal, Aria uses a weapon to solve intricate puzzles in different areas. But unlike the portal gun, Astra is an entropy gun that can pick up objects in the environment, similar to the gravity gun in Half-Life. However, Astra has one additional perk: she can also rewind the objects in time, allowing you to move them around the environment to solve these puzzles.

There will be a workshop on the categorical semantics of entropy at the CUNY Grad Center in Manhattan on Friday May 13th, organized by John Terilla. I was kindly invited to give an online tutorial beforehand on May 11, which I will give remotely to save carbon. Tai-Danae Bradley will also be giving a tutorial that day in person:

The maximum entropy principle is a fascinating and productive lens with which to view both thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. In this talk, we present a categorification of the maximum entropy principle, using convex spaces and operads. Along the way, we will discuss a variety of examples of the maximum entropy principle and show how each application can be captured using our framework. This approach shines a new light on old constructions. For instance, we will show how we can derive the canonical ensemble by attaching a probabilistic system to a heat bath. Finally, our approach to this categorification has applications beyond the maximum entropy principle, and we will give an hint of how to adapt this categorification to the formalization of the composition of other systems. 041b061a72



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